If you are just like any other sane (or insane) person who uses their phone constantly then you might have observed that you tend to take screenshots of stuff that you find interesting or important.
Whether that might be any meme, any beautiful image, confidential information, any important document, or any other case that maybe. It is quite simple to take screenshots on your Phone devices, all you need to do is press multiple keys at the same time.
However, when it comes to Mac people might find it a little bit difficult, so in this article, we will show how it’s done effortlessly, all you need to do is keep in mind a few shortcut keys, and you are done.

How to Capture the Whole Screen

- Press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 3 to take a screenshot of the entire screen.
- Once you see a thumbnail on the top corner of your screen display, click on it to edit the screenshot or you can even edit it later on once it’s been saved.
How to Capture a Portion of the Screen

- Press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 4 to capture a portion of the screen.
- After you have pressed the keys simultaneously, a plus sign surrounded by a circle crosshair would appear, and with its help, you can drag over the screen and select the portion you want to save and release your mouse or the trackpad button to save that portion as a screenshot.

- Once you see a thumbnail on the top corner of your screen display, click on it to edit the screenshot or you can even edit it later on once it’s been saved.
- You can cancel this by getting out of this window which can be simply pressing the Esc key.

- Once you are at your desired window or menu you want to capture, press, and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, 4, and Space Bar.
- The Pointer will then be changed to a camera icon, you can then click on the window or menu to capture it. Also, if you want to exclude the window’s shadow from the screenshot that you just captured, press and hold the Option key while you click on the window or menu.

- You can always cancel this, by getting out of this window which can be simply pressing the Esc key.
- Once you see a thumbnail on the top corner of your screen display, click on it to edit the screenshot or you can even edit it later on once it’s been saved.
How to Crop a Screenshot on Mac
After the screenshot has been taken, you can simply crop it immediately when you see a thumbnail on the top corner of your screen display, once the option is gone, you can edit it after it’s been saved. You cannot extend the time of that floating thumbnail option so you will have to be quick with it.
Crop a Screenshot using the Built-In Tool
- After you tap on that thumbnail, press on the Crop icon located at the top right after you took a screenshot.
- Select the portion you want to keep as your screenshot.
- Click on Done.

Crop a Screenshot using Photos App
You can also crop your screenshot using the built-in tool in the Photos App that is usually to view and manage the images present on your Mac, after you save the screenshot follow the steps below.
- Head to Photos and into the File tab click on Import.

- Select the screenshot you want to make changes in.
- Once you import that image, double-click on the image that you’ve imported and press Edit.
- Then Click on the Crop button and you are done.
How to Crop Screenshots using Third-Party Apps
On your App store, you can find multiple third-party applications which are not only used for cropping but can be used for advanced editing, like adjusting brightness, and contrast or you can heal any patch located on your image. You can edit an image as per your desire.
Some of the apps that help in doing so would are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Pixelstyle Photo Image Editor, and many more, similarly, there are many sites that help us to crop or edit images online with just a few clicks.
Below is an example of how you can crop the image using a Third-Party App (Adobe Photoshop)
- Open an image you wish to crop by heading to File and Open option.
- Click on the Crop tool and drag your mouse as per your wish to select a portion.
- Save when you are done.