Windows 10 has been a huge upgrade from Windows 7. With the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft also enabled the updates option. before that people using Windows computers barely received any software updates on their system. however, now, Microsoft releases a lot of Windows 10 OS updates, that happens to add some new functionality or features. But, on the other hand, some of the updates bring in bugs and compatibility issues as well. You might have often heard jokes about Microsoft’s updates breaks the Ui more than it fixes. So, if you are one of those who have been the culprit of such issues with any new Microsoft Windows 10 updates or if you are scared of updating your software. Then, here is a quick tutorial on how you can disable Windows 10 update from downloading and installing it on your computer permanently.
usually, the updates are automatic and it downloads and installs the software in the background, all you have to do is just restart your system to make changes that have come with the new updates. but, if you feel your OS is running smooth and stable and the upcoming update can break things, you can always opt-out of updating your system to avoid any new bugs or performance issues.
Not to mention, the Microsoft windows updates sometimes take ages to install while turning on the computer, so there could be chances that if you are in a hurry to send some file or have some urgent work and right at that moment Mirosft devices to install the new update, then you have to wait for at least 10-15 minutes depending on the specifications of your computer. So, let’s discuss how we can stop our computers from getting updated automatically.

How To Disable Windows 10 Updates
You can disable Windows 10 updates on your computer but it won’t be permanent. it will be permanent only if you never connect your computer to the internet. There are a few other ways as well through which you can disable Windows 10 update but it will be a temporary one. Since Windows is one of the more used OS in the world, it is also the most targeted OS by attackers and hackers, which is why Microsoft keeps updating their security system of the OS to keep our computer safe from malicious hackers and attackers.
Windows 10 still tries to update your system even after you have disabled it, below we have some of the best methods through which you can prevent Microsoft to push updates to your system. In certain scenarios, you might have to create a script or a batch file that can automate one of these temporary solutions timely.
Disable Windows 10 Update Services.msc
The updates Services.msc is one of the processes that run in the background and pushes the updates to the computer. Fortunately, you can disable the service by following the below method.

- From the keyboard press Win+ R together which should open the Run window.
- Inside the text box of Run window type services.msc and then press enters to open the list of services running on your computer.
- Here you will have to scroll down and double click on Windows Update to access the General settings.
- A new pop-up window should appear, inside which you will have to select Disabled from the Startup type drop-down menu.
- After you have finished doing it press on OK and then restart your computer.

That’s it you have successfully disabled the updates services that run in the background. Performing the above nation you will be able to permanently disable the Windows automatic updates. To enable it, you will have to follow the same process and then change the toggle from disabled to Automatic.
Disable Windows Updates Via the Settings Menu
If the above method doesn’t suit you, or if you want to double-cross by disabling from settings as well. Then this is the guide that you will have to follow to disable Windows updates via the settings menu. The following guide would be a very simple one and should be a lot easier for those non-tech users. However, do keep in mind that this isn’t a permanent solution. To disable your Windows updates from the settings menu below is the guide to follow through it.

- While the computer is on, go to the start menu and then click on the settings cog icon.
- Inside the settings page, find the Update and Security option and click on it.
- Here inside the updates menu, click on the Advanced Options tab.
- Inside advanced options, you can choose a date from the dropdown menu that you would like to pause automatic updates up to. As of now, Windows 10 only allows to pause updates for a maximum time of 6 weeks and not more than that.

Using the above method you will be able to stop the updates temporary for 6 weeks, after which you will have to repeat the process. As stated earlier, there is no permanent solution for stopping the windows updates at least for now, but you can create scripts to batch files, which can do this automatically every 6 weeks. Pausing the updates simply means, your computer won’t install the updates no matter what until it’s in the paused situation.
How To Stop Windows 10 From Downloading Via The Registry
The above method was pretty straightforward and pretty easy. But this method is a bit risky as we will be indulging with registry managers, and editing registry can be a bit risky for your system to work stably. However, this is also one of the best methods through which you can stop the automatic updates for your computer. So all you need is to edit some registry files, a complete guide for the same is right below you can go through them for the same.

- First, you need to open the start menu, then type Run and press enter.
- Inside the Run dialogue box, type Regedit and then press enter.
- Now, you should see a new screen popping up, it is the registry editor, you need to check the key that records whether your system is ready to download Windows 10 updates or not. So, using the option on the left window pane of the screen, double click the folders in the same sequence – HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > WindowsUpdate > OSUpgrade. Make sure that the path you’re at the finals stage looks like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft /Windows/CurrentVersion/WindowsUpdate/OSUpgrade.
- After you have reached the right path, you will have to add a value that tells the computer that you don’t want to download Windows 10. To give this command, you need to right-click o the key name, select a new submenu and then select DWORD (32-bit) Value. Immediately you will see that a new value is created called new Value #1. You need to rename it to AllowOSUpgrade.
- Following through it, the final step in the Registry Editor would be to make sure that the OS Upgrade feature is turned off. For that you need to double-click the file and then check that the value is 0, making sure that the hexadecimal box is checked. Also, to complete the process you will have to refresh the page and then close the Registry Editor.

There are a lot of users, saying that this method doesn’t take effect immediately, for the who are getting such issues, needs to restart their computer and then open the settings and click on Check For Updates, by doing this the system should force change to take the effect.
Once you have finished all of the processes, you should be able to use WIndows update without having to check whether the Windows 10 OS Upgrade has slipped into the optional updates and is getting ready to download and install on your computer since it cannot do this anymore.
Set a Metered Connection To Stop Windows 10 Updates
At ihax, we always have a lot of different options, because we believe one option isn’t enough for a task, so here is yet another way through which you can stop Windows 10 updates from getting downloaded or installed to your PC. This time we will be setting a metered connection of your internet, as Microsoft has set not to download updates if the computer is running on a metered connection. Below is the tutorial on how to set the connection as metered connection.

- First, you need to open the Start menu and then click on the settings cog icon.
- Now, inside the settings, you need to click on Network and Internet.
- Then, head to the Wifi settings from the left window pane.
- On the next screen, click on Manage Known Networks. On the next screen, you need to click on wifi networks that you use regularly and then click on properties that should appear after you click on the name of your WIFI.
- Inside the properties, toggle the Set as metered connection to on.

This method may not be the best, but it is effective and can work to stop your computer from downloading the Windows 10 updates. However, setting your connection as the metered connection will also affect other user experience files like one drive sync, or data backup won’t take place and many more such sync related processes won’t work.
Using Group Policy To Stop Windows 10 Updates
If you have a Windows 10 running on your computer which isn’t the Home Edition, but is an enterprise edition or a business edition, then this process should work for you.
- open the start menu and then type Run and press enter.
- Inside the run window type gpedit.msc and then hit enter.
- Nex, you have to click on Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Updates.
- Find and double click on Configure Automatic Updates.
- Finally, check Disabled and then click on Apply and then press OK.
How To Uninstall a Windows 10 Update
If you are one of those users who have already installed an update for your Windows 10 computer and is now regretting after seeing all the bugs and system instability. Then you must be looking for a guide on how to uninstall a Windows 10 update. Don’t worry we have you covered. Unlike other OS, Windows 10 does allow its users to roll back to a previous version of Windows 10 for a certain amount of time usually it is 15 days. below is the quick tutorial that you need to follow to uninstall an update and go to a previous version of your Windows 10.

- Go to the settings of your computer by going to the Start menu and then pressing the cog icon.
- Inside the settings head to the updates and Security option.
- Inside the updates settings, click on Delivery Optimization from the right menu list and then click on View Update History.
- Click on Uninstall Updates.

From this list, you can choose to uninstall updates as per your need. If the latest update caused a bug and that’s why you ended up here, then let me tell you to research before you start uninstalling the updates, it could be some other bug from an app or the software that you are using, or simply a compatibility issue.
Also, don’t forget to check if you have updated the Drivers as well alongside the new Windows 10 OS update.
Can I Permanently Disable Windows 10 Updates?
As of now a direct answer to this question would be no, you cannot disable Windows 10 updates permanently. there’s a lot of dispute about this going on with Microsoft, a lot of people are demanding an option to permanently disable the Windows 10 updates.
As of now even if you try to disable it officially, Microsoft re-enables the setting as soon as you restart your computer.
however, the methods mentioned above in this post worked very well for Windows 10 version 10.0.19041. If for some reason a method isn’t working for you, you can always try another method since we have provided a few different methods for you, so that at least one of them works for the users.
Should I Disable Updates?
As mentioned above in the post, that you can disable the updates for your Windows computer, but do keep in mind that Windows updates are a vital part of it. So, if you disable updates for your Windows, you might miss out on some new features or any security bug fixes, which is why Microsoft pushes so many security and feature updates, to keep their Windows 10 OS up to date. I would recommend you should always wait for at least a week before you update so that if there is an issue with the update, Microsoft can fix it and you won’t be landing into that update with bugs.
Windows 10 Updates and Disabling Them
There could be my reasons for which you would want to disable Windows 10 updates. For whichever reason, you want to disable it, make sure you at least occasionally update your computer since updates are an essential part of the system to run properly. Also, even if you find any issues with the updates, Microsoft always provides a rollback to the previous version of the update, within 15 days, which we have discussed above in this post itself. Even, though we don’t have a permanent solution for stopping the Microsoft updates, however, disconnecting from the internet is one such way, while other temporary solutions are already discussed above which you can follow to stop the updates occurring on your Windows 10 system.