Find Out When You Subscribed to a YouTube Channel

Youtube is the biggest video streaming platform on the internet – there are no two opinions about that. With every passing day, we need more and more people create interesting content and even more people consume it.

Believe it or not, Youtube is the second biggest search engine in the world – right after Google. It’s not Bing or Yahoo – no. People just straight up go to Youtube and search for what they are looking for. From how to videos to vlogs to DIY videos to songs to comedy – Youtube has got everything.

Have you ever been in a situation where you see a random video on your subscription feed and when you click on the channel it says subscribed? Yes, happens a lot more than you think. When you have been using Youtube for years, you end up forgetting to which channel you have subscribed and when you actually did it.

Find Out When You Subscribed To A Youtube Channel

Well, in this guide, I will show you how you can easily find out when you subscribed to a channel on Youtube.

Youtube does not provide a straightforward way to find out when you subscribed to a specific Youtube channel. But that does not mean you cannot find it out at all. There are third party tools online which helps you find that information. In this guide, we will tell you how to do that.

In this tool we are going to make use of a third party tool to find out when you subscribed to a Youtube channel. Though these tools are not harmful (as of my knowledge), they are also not endorsed by Youtube in any way or form. I would recommend you to do your own research before proceeding and be cautious while you are at it.

1. Visit the Youtube Subscription Timeline finder tool

Go to this website URL:

Find Out When You Subscribed To A Youtube Channel

2. Get the Youtube Channel URL

Grab the URL of the channel that you would like to find out the information for. You can do this by going to the channel and simply copying the link before the question mark.

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Find Out When You Subscribed To A Youtube Channel

Paste it into the field in the tool and click Continue.

3. Edit your Youtube Privacy Settings (Optional)

If your subscriptions are set to Private then the tool would not be able to get the subscriber information since it is not visible publicly. If you have, indeed, set it to Private, we can change a setting to get this corrected – which we will see in the next few steps. If your setting is already Public is already public, you can simply skip these steps.

Click on your Profile and tap on Settings.

Select Privacy.

Uncheck the Keep all my subscriptions private setting. This will make your subscription information public.

Find Out When You Subscribed To A Youtube Channel

4. Get the Subscription Details from the tool

Go back to the tool and click on Continue after you have made edited your privacy settings.

Find Out When You Subscribed To A Youtube Channel

Now the tool will display the list of all your subscriptions along with the date you actually subscribed to them.

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