Bring Back Hibernate Option to the Win X Menu in Windows 10

If you have noticed, the Hibernate option is not displayed on the power settings or the power user menu (Win + X Menu). But luckily, this option can be brought back via Power options control panel settings.

Bring Back Hibernate Option to the Win + X Menu

Step 1. Press Win + R, type powercfg.cpl and press ENTER

Step 2. On the left panel, click on the Choose what the power button does link.

Bring Back Hibernate Option To The Win X Menu In Windows 10
Bring Back Hibernate Option To The Win X Menu In Windows 10

Step 3. Next, click on the Change settings that are currently unavailable option.

Step 4. Near the bottom, under Shutdown settings, enable the Hibernate checkbox (Show in Power menu.)

Bring Back Hibernate Option To The Win X Menu In Windows 10

And you are done. Now the Hibernate option should be available for you in the Win + X Power User Menu.

Bring Back Hibernate Option To The Win X Menu In Windows 10

You can also enable the same using a simple registry tweak. And here’s the code to do that:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


The above .reg file enables the Sleep, Hibernate and Lock options in the Power options flyout.

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