MX Player ARMv7 NEON Codec APK | Download

Get the latest version of MX Player ARMv7 NEON Codec APK file. You can add this codec to MX Player app on your Android device.

File nameMX-Player-Codec-(ARMv7-NEON)-1.9.20.apk
File size7 MB
Updated onMay 12, 2024

In this page, you would be able to download the MX Player Codec (ARMv7 NEON) APK for all Android devices. If you face any issue with a particular video format, this codec will help.

Filetype: APK – An APK file is an app created for Android, Google’s mobile operating system. Some apps come pre-installed on Android devices, while other apps can be downloaded from Google Play. Apps downloaded from Google Play are automatically installed on your device, while those downloaded from other sources must be installed manually.

MX Player ARMv7 NEON Codec APK

Disclaimer: This file is completely free to use and distribute. All uploaded files and copyrights are properties of their respective owners.

If you want to download any other codec files, please check here: MX Player Codec

SEE ALSO  MX Player Tegra3 Codec ZIP | Download

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