Are you the kind of person who forgets someone’s birthday and then feels guilty to ask them in person? Or, you just want to surprise new friends by giving them special gifts.
Missing out on your friend’s birthday can impact your friendship and even break up in the case of a relationship.
Regardless of the reason, if you want to find out someone’s birthday, then you’re at the right place.

Several websites claim that they can find out someone’s birthday, but they often charge you a fee and are not always reliable.
So, we recommend using social media because almost everyone creates a social media profile using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, and more.
However, in this article, we will see every possible way to find someone’s birthday.
Note: To make your search easier, you should have some kind of information about the person, such as first or last name, contact number, email address, or any other personal information.
Some Basic Methods
Before we see the dedicated methods to find someone’s birthday, let us look at some of the basic methods through which you can find birthdays within a few seconds.
Do a Google Search
You have to simply type the name and city into Google or any other search engine.
In the search results, you will get the person’s social media accounts, a personal website, or date of birth directly from publicly available information (if any).
Check with a Mutual Friend
You can contact a mutual friend and ask them about the person’s birthday to whom you wanted to give a surprise.
In case they don’t know, you can ask them for a favor. And, they will inquire about the person’s birthday on their behalf.
If the person works in a company, then you can find out their co-workers and ask them as they probably have the information you’re looking for.
Take Them to a Place Where they get Carded
This might sound crazy, but it always works if you are in your teens or twenties. You have to take the person to a bar, club, or liquor store, where it’s necessary to show the ID card.
When they take out the ID card (driving license, passport, etc.), you need to ask whether it’s a new license, and here’s your chance to see their date of birth.
According to Statistica, more than 2.9 billion people are using social media worldwide, which is estimated to increase to almost 3.5 billion by 2023.
A report by Pewresearch says that 82% of teens post their birth date on social media, so there’s a high chance that you’ll be able to find your friend’s birth date.
Although, most of them may hide this information through privacy settings, so this might not work for you every time.
How to Find Someone’s Birthday on Facebook
To find someone’s birthday, search for their profile on Facebook. If you have a personal account, then log in and type the person’s name in the search bar.
Once you find the profile, you can see their date of birth under the About section (below their profile picture).
It may be possible that they have chosen privacy as ‘Only me’ which means you won’t be able to see their date of birth.
In that case, you need to scroll their timeline and see if anyone wished them in the previous year.
If you’re still unable to find the date of birth, then you can try the last way, i.e, go to Events within Facebook and click on ‘Upcoming Birthdays’. But, this will only be viewable if you and the person both are friends on Facebook.
How to Find Someone’s Birthday on Instagram
Before you try to find someone’s birthday on Instagram, you need to first check whether their Instagram profile is public or private.
If the profile is private, then you need to first send them a follow request and wait till they approve it.
Once your follow request is approved, you’ll be able to see their photos. It’s very common among people to post their birthday celebration pictures on Instagram, so you have to look out for such posts.
You can also navigate to the ‘tagged photos’ section within the person’s profile and browse for the ‘happy birthday’ posts they’ve been tagged in.
How to Find Someone’s Birthday on Twitter
Like any other social media platform, Twitter also allows its users to add their birthday to their personal info section. You can see the birthday on the top left-hand side of the profile page.
Whatever they will post on their birthday, there will be a neon balloon overlay on that post.
Although, Twitter makes it optional, so if someone does not provide their date of birth, then you’ll have no option but to look for another social media platform.
How to Find Someone’s Birthday on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is used by professionals for business and networking, however, you can use it to find someone’s date of birth.
Here, the chances of finding someone’s birthday are high because mostly, people don’t hide information on LinkedIn.
Before you try to find someone’s birthday, you need to first send a connection request, in case you are not connected to each other.
LinkedIn also notifies you when a person in your connection has a birthday, but it might be late for you, in case you want to wish them at midnight.
Still, you are unable to view date of birth, then go to the certificates section and check if they have uploaded any certificate. As you may know, many documents have a birth date listed.
Records Search
Websites such as ZoSearch contain all the information about people worldwide. You can search for anyone through their name, phone number, or address.
Zosearch is linked to several public databases, so when you search for a person, it browses the information through those databases and retrieves all the necessary information.
Whether you know the phone number or the address of the person, then you can easily pull out their birthdays.
To find someone’s birthday through Zosearch, you have to follow the below steps:
- Visit Zosearch.
- Choose the method depending on the information you have. The available methods are People Search, Phone Lookup, WhitePages, Address Lookup, and Email Lookup.
- Once you choose the method, type the information in the search bar, and hit ‘START SEARCH’.
Within a few seconds, you’ll get all the information that fulfills the criteria.
Check Their Calendar
Many people use Google Calendar to save their friend’s and families’ birthdays, although some of them also save their own.
But, you can only check it if you have access to their Google Calendar. Otherwise, you have to ask a mutual friend if you can see their Calendar as they might have saved the birthdays.
You can also take a chance by visiting their home and check for their wall calendar. Many people or their family members circle the date on the calendar and write ‘[name] birthday’.
Finding Out from the Person Themselves
Last but not least, ask the person directly about their birthdays. Although, we will do some of the tricks which will seem normal to that person.
Share Memories of your Birthday
Firstly, you have to share the best experiences of your birthday, and then you can ask them about the best birthday they have ever had. You can dig more by asking them what will be the ideal birthday gift for them.
As they answer, try to pick up some useful info, maybe you’ll get some clues about what month or season took place at that time.
Furthermore, you can take charge and say, “I love summer for two reasons, one is I like ice-creams and the other is my birthday comes in August”. This will be served as a bait to get them to open up about their birthday.
Ask for the Zodiac Sign
If you are familiar with astrology, then you may know that with the help of zodiac signs, you can determine the birthday month of a person.
Because no one will get to know that you are asking their zodiac sign for getting their date of birth, so they will easily tell about it.
But, you’ll be able to determine the month and not the date. So, you need to ask them some casual questions after you get to know their zodiac sign.
You can get started with like “You’re a Pisces, it means you were born in September”, and then they’ll probably tell you the exact date.
In case they don’t know about their zodiac sign, then ask them to tell about their birth date and month, and if they do so, you’ll tell them their zodiac sign. It will look like you have asked about the date of birth because you have an interest in astrology.
Now, you know how you can find out someone’s birthday without letting them know. If you have found out the date of birth from the social media platform, then we suggest confirming it twice because many people lie about their birthdate on social media.
Which above method have you tried to find out someone’s birthday? Or, have you used any other method? Do tell us in the comment section below.