If you have been playing Minecraft for long enough, you might have noticed that whenever you die, you lose all the items from inventory, which can be sometimes frustrating. It is surely annoying like if you die by any mistake or chance, you directly lose everything.
However, if you are looking for a solution to this, like if you want to keep all of your items safe in your inventory even if you die, you are exactly at the right place, since this post is the guide on how to keep the inventory safe even when you die in Minecraft, so read ahead.
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How To Keep Your Inventory When You Die in Minecraft
Usually, when you die in Minecraft, all of your items in the inventory like armour, weapons and tools just disappears. Some players like to have this fear, so that there is a thrill in the game, while for others it is frustrating and annoying.
Fortunately, we have found a way through which you can keep all of your tools and armour even after you died in the game. You need to customize the game in a way that you have to make some changes to the game which will let you change the core game actions. There are various types of cheat codes available for Minecraft, while the best cheat codes available for Minecraft are the ones that are the most powerful and useful. These powerful cheat codes are the ones that can change the core variables of the game. Do note that you first need to check whether your world in Minecraft supports cheat codes or now, follow through the tutorial below to know.
- Open Game Menu in Minecraft.
- Here you need to click on the Open To Lan button.
- Next, you need to click on Allow Cheats and make sure that the toggle is turned ON.
- Now, tap on Start LAN World.
- That’s it now your world will support the usage of cheat codes.

Now, to change the game rules, and their core values, you need to use the chatbox and enter the cheat code, as it also functions as the command console. So whenever you enter anything that starts with / using the /gamerule command, you will be able to bypass the rules and, in our case, we will ensure that you don’t lose your items and belongings from the inventory after death.
- As mentioned above you first need to open the chat window from within the game.
- Now type /gamerule keepInventory true inside the chatbox and then press Enter.
- That’s it, you can try dying in the game, all of the items and materials kept in your inventory will remain there only.
- Click on Respawn to restart the game.

How To Keep Your Inventory When you Die in Minecraft on iPhone
Unlike other games, Minecraft runs on almost all of the platforms, and the pocket edition of Minecraft runs so good and gives an immensely good experience while playing on iOS devices like iPhones and iPad. However, it is slightly different from what the original Minecraft java versions use to come since it has some fewer functions and improved parental control options. Rest assured, the players playing Minecraft pocket edition on their phones, will enjoy the game to the full, they can be creative and build their projects, or if they want they can play the survival mode. In addition to that users can also play invite-only games.
Now, let’s come to the tutorial on how you can save your inventory from being taken away from you every time you die playing Minecraft pocket edition on your iPhone.

- Open the game Minecraft Pocket edition on your iPhone.
- Head to the chat icon located at the upper part of the screen.
- Now, you need to type /gamerule keepInventory true in the chatbox and then hit enter.
- that’s it now no matter how many times you die, your items stored in the inventory will remain as it is.
- Click on Respawn to restart the game.

How To Keep Your Inventory When You Die in Minecraft on Android
Android users also have the Minecraft pocket edition, which they can play multiplayer along with their friends. Developers of Minecraft has cleverly fused their game inside every platform no matter what OS or processor your device is running, the game Minecraft will be available for you. The gameplay remains the same for the Minecraft console, PC or pocket edition for mobile devices. So, below we have a tutorial on how to save your inventory items from getting vanished whenever you die in Minecraft on your Android device.

- First, you need to enter into the Minecraft Pocket edition game on your Android phone.
- Once you are inside the game, tap on the chat icon located at the top of the screen.
- Then inside the chatbox, type /gamerule keepInventory true.
- Press Enter that’s it.
- Now whenever you will die, you will still have all the materials and tools in your inventory.
- Click on Respawn to restart the game. That’s it you are good to go.

How To Keep Your Inventory When You Die in Minecraft on Windows, Mac and Chromebook
While most of the users play games on the computer, and if you are playing Minecraft, chances are you can play anywhere, be it a Mac, or a Windows PC. So, if you want to keep your inventory items intact even after your death, then you should first, create a Minecraft world that supports cheats. To create a world that supports cheats in Minecraft, you have to follow the below simple and easy steps, after which you no longer will lose your items from inventory after your death.
- First, you need to open the game menu in Minecraft.
- Find and click on Open To LAN.
- Now, navigate to Allow Cheats and then toggle the button to ON.
- Click on Start LAN World.

That’s it, the new world that will begin after this will be able to support cheats. Below we have the method to use cheat and activate the cheat code through which your inventory will be as it is after dying in the game.
- While in the game, open the chat window in your game by simply pressing the button T from the keyboard.
- Now, inside the chatbox type /gamerule keepInventory true.
- Hit Enter.
- That’s it, the new rule for the game is now active, and you can respawn your character in the game, and your inventory will be as it is.
How To Keep Your Inventory When You Die in Minecraft on PS4 and XBOX
For console, players be it using an Xbox or a PS4, the steps to keep your inventory items safe even after death are more or less the same. All you need to do is activate the cheats option from your in-game menu and then execute them. Once the cheat system is on, below is the tutorial that you need to follow.
- Press on the D-Pad (right) on your controller.
- Type “/gamerule keepInventory true.”
- Press “Enter” to change the game rule in your world.
As soon as you activate the above-mentioned command, your items will stop disappearing from your Hotbar inventory rows every time you die in the game. You will be able to respawn your game with your entire inventory as it is.
Do You Drop Items in Minecraft?
Well, dropping items in the Minecraft game is pretty necessary to give or remove some of the items from your game inventory. To drop an item from your inventory all you need to do is, mark the item and then press the Q key from your keyboard and the item will be on the ground right in front of you. You can leave it there as it is for any other player, or pick it up and keep it back into your inventory.
However, when you die in Minecraft, all of your inventory items are dropped automatically and you will have to start a new game with fresh inventory. This is done automatically, and you cannot choose or keep any of the items in your inventory from your previous game. But, we have mentioned a few methods above, through which you can change the game rules and keep the inventory item as it is even if you die.
What Happens To Your Inventory When You Die in Minecraft?
Usually, if you fall in a lava pit, or go too far away from home, you simply face death in Minecraft. Then your character will be automatically respawned with a fresh inventory that is blank. So you have to collect all the items once again. As whenever you die in the game, it will automatically drop all of your items and then you have to start collecting the items once again.
To prevent this mishap, you either need to use the cheat code through which your inventory won’t be thrown whenever you die or else, keep the inventory safely stored.
To store your items safely, you need to build a wooden chest. There you will be able to place all of your inventory items and save them from dropping whenever you die. Since you have successfully saved the items in the chest, now you can take more risk of dying to explore more in the game, as you will not have any fear of losing your inventory items. Alternatively, you can also use the cheat code method to save your items from inventory being pushed out. We have discussed the methods in this post above only, about how to use cheat codes to save the inventory items. This way it is very easy to play the survival mode in Minecraft since whenever you die and respawn, you will be having all your inventory items, so it will be easier for you to build things.
Is Keeping Your Inventory in Minecraft Cheating?
This situation depends, on every user, some says, to play the game properly, nobody should use cheat codes s it manipulates the overall gameplay and experience. While some refer to all of the different types of cheat codes in Minecraft and use it all to play the game and they have also made it a necessary tool to chill out while playing the survival mode in Minecraft. But this can only be possible if you are not playing the game in multiplayer mode.
On the other hand, if you are playing Minecraft multiplayer, and you are keeping your inventory items even after your death, then it is considered to be cheating. But, if you are just exploring and messing around on your own, then it is fine and you can do whatever you feel like.
How Long Do Items Last After Death in Minecraft?
If you die in Minecraft, the game will give you five minutes. Your inventory items will be lying around with your body for five minutes. If you successfully find your character lying on the ground along with the items within five minutes then you will be able to pick up all of the items. After five minutes all of the items will be disappeared.
Also, do note that if you die in the game because of falling into a lava pit or any other kind of fire, then you won’t be able to recover your item by any means, and you will lose your items immediately as it will all fall into the flames.
How Do You Keep Your Inventory in Minecraft When You Die?
If you want to keep your inventory items even after you die, there are two methods through which you can keep them safe. The first one which we would recommend is to build a wooden chest. items kept inside the wooden chest will remain with you even if you die. The second method is to use cheat code. Mostly, users create storage rooms where they keep all of their valuable and rare items.
There is a cheat code that helps in keeping the inventory called as keep inventory cheat code, which can be used to keep your inventory items intact even after you die and respawn.
Do You Lose Your Inventory Permanently When You Die in Minecraft?
No, fortunately, you won’t lose your inventory items permanently when you die. But only if you die in the fire then your items will be lost permanently. However, if you die in any other way, then you will have five minutes to come back to your character and pick up your inventory items lying there on the ground. But if you fail to do so in under five minutes then you will lose your inventory items permanently.
To Conclude
So, this was an extensive guide on how to keep your inventory items safe even after dying in the Minecraft game. We have discussed the cheat code method and the wooden chest method, for all of the platforms wherever Minecraft can be played. So, enjoy playing Minecraft, and we hope that this post has helped you in enhancing the gameplay experience of Minecraft.
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