If you have been playing Minecraft for a long time, then you must have known that traversing the Nether and underground in Minecraft can be dangerous for your character’s health. The lakes of lava and fire can take up your health within seconds, it can take down almost any Minecraft character.
However, you don’t need to worry, as there is a way through which you can protect yourself from the fire and lava lakes. What’s surprising is that it all comes in a handy glass bottle and is nothing too fancy.
To know how to make fire resistance potions for your next adventurous trip on Minecraft and explore those fiery lakes and lava areas follow through the tutorial below and by the end of the post you will get to know everything about it.

See also: How To Make Concrete in Minecraft
How To Make a Fire resistance Potion in Minecraft
You need to brew some of the potions here and there and then mix them to make a fire resistance potion. You better be a chemistry expert if not then at least have the basic knowledge. So the very first requirement is that you need to have a brewing stand only then you will be able to mix the potions. First, let’s build a brewing stand in Minecraft.
If you have the brewing stand beforehand then you can skip to the next part of the article, where we will show how to make the fire resistance potion. Otherwise, if you want to make the brewing stand then follow the below-written tutorial.
Brewing Stand Ingredients needed:
Coming to the ingredients then you need 3 cobblestones,1 Blaze rod.
- Open the Crafting Interface inside the minecraft game.
- Now, you need to assemble the Blaze rod from the upper middle sqiuare within the crafting interface.
- Next, you can add the three cobblestones in a line directly beneath it, make sure you add one per square.
- Finally, you have to craft the stand.

Fire Resistance Ingredients needed
Now that you have crafted the brewing stand, you are good to proceed ahead and make the fire resistance potion. You will be needing Magma cream, nether wart, a water bottle, blaze powder to fire up the brewing stand.
- First, you need to open the brewing stand interface inside the Minecraft game.
- Now, you have to light up the stand with the Blaze powder which you must have
collected earlier.
- Next, you need to add a glass bottle in one of the three lower boxes.
- Finally, add a Nether wart in the upper middle box to complete the process.

Once you have added the above-mentioned ingredients, brew it properly and you will get a different and unique kind of potion. But this isn’t what we are looking for a few steps are still left to do.
Next, you need to put the Magma Cream in the upper-middle slot where you first placed the nether wart and brew away. That’s it, now you have a fire-resistance potion that is ready to move into your inventory from where you can use it while building your projects.
How To Make a Fire Resistance Potion in Minecraft 1.16
In the latest iteration of Minecraft which is version 1.16, there are slight changes in making potions. As with every update we see some changes in the gameplay of Minecraft. With the latest 1.16 Nether update, you need to perform some extra steps to overcome the challenges of making a fire resistance potion.
Making a fire resistance potion can be very helpful no matter whichever version of Minecraft you play. Not to mention while making the fire resistance potion you will also get to explore the Nether and protect yourself to see what the different areas have to offer. To make a fire resistance potion you don’t need many ingredients or materials. Below we have a quick tutorial on how to make the fire resistance potion on Minecraft 1.16.

- First, you need to make a glass bottle and then fill gthat bottle with water.
- Now, you need to navigate to the brewing stand and then add your glass bottle and Nether Wart.
- Here you will need to add the Magma Cream to the brew.
- Next, take your new fire resistance potion and add it to the inventiory from where you can use it further in tyour projects.

So, once you combine Nether wart and the glass bottle, you will get a different weird kind of potion but that’s fine it’s part of the process. Moving ahead replace the Nether wart with Magma Cream in the brewing station. Using these ingredients you will get fire resistance for three minutes which should be enough.
There is an alternative method to get fire resistance too, for that you need to get the resistance potions from witches in the world. The next alternative is that you can barter for fires resistance potions by exchanging gold ingots.
How To Make a Fire resistance Potion in Minecraft 1.14
In Minecraft version 1.14, there weren’t any major changes and the production of the fire resistance potion was more or less the same. So we will be using the same recipe and same procedure to make the fire resistance potion, below we have a quick tutorial for the same.
- As usual add the Nether wart and the glass bottle which is filled with water to the brew stand.
- next, you will get a different weird potion, add Magma cream and it will turn into a fire resistance potion.
How To Make a Fire Resistance potion in Minecraft PE (Pocker Edition ) and Consoles
As we all know Minecraft has various platforms where the game run, one of the platforms is the Minecraft pocket edition. however, the brewing and production steps for fire resistance potion remains the same across the platform. below we have the tutorial on how to make the fire resistance potion in Minecraft pocket edition.
- You need to put a water-filled glass bottle and add it with nether wart into the brewing stand, which was created earlier.
- You will get a half baked potion which doesnt have any significance, put Magma cream in the same slot where you have used Nether wart.
- Finally, Brew a fire resistance potion and add it to your inventory.
That’s it your fire resistance potion is ready. The procedure is the same for all Bedrock Editions of Minecraft. Bedrock editions are the name for different Minecraft editions like-
- Pocket Edition (PE).
- Xbox One.
- PS4.
- Nintendo Switch.
- Windows 10.
The same recipe will also work for Java and Education Editions of Minecraft.
How To Make a Fire Resistance Splash Potion in Minecraft
Start collecting your ingredients as we are about to make the fire resistance splash potion in Minecraft. To make the potion you will be requiring one gunpowder and one fire resistance potion per bottle of fire resistance splash potion.
After you have done collecting the ingredients, navigate to the brewing stand and open the interface of the brewing stand, after which you can follow the below steps.

- Starting the recipe by putting the fire resistance potion in one of the bottom three horizontal boxes.
- Next, you can place the gunpowder in the upper-middle slot.
- Wait and let it brew completely.
- Now, take the new potion that got developed just now.
Do note, that you also need to put the Blaze powder in the slot in the upper left corner of the brewing stand interface to brew any potion. The benefit of using blaze powder is that it lasts multiple brewing sessions, you may keep an eye on it as well and always have another one ready before the current one finishes.

How To Use a Fire Resistance Potion in Minecraft
Till now we have learnt how to make fire resistance potion in Minecraft. Now we will learn how to use the fire resistance potion in the game. If the fire around the area is getting too hot, then this might be the right time to use the fire resistance potion. All you need to do is equip the solution. After equipping just press the use item button for your platform. The use item button differs from platform to platform but works the same way.
- Xbox – Left trigger
- PlayStation – L2 button
- Windows 10 and Java Editions – Mouse right-click
- Pocket Edition (PE) – Fish icon button
If you have taken the potion correctly, your character will show a brief drinking animation. Right after the animation, you will get temporary power to withstand the heat of the fire, you can even resist the hot lava as well as long as the fire resistance potion is working.
What is the Potion of Fire Resistance in Minecraft?
The fire resistance potion in Minecraft helps the characters resist the hot flames. After drinking the fire resistance potion, going near the fire or lava won’t affect you for the time being. The standard fire resistance potion would last for around three minutes. Although you can add Redstone Dust to a regular potion of fire resistance and it will extend the time of the potion from three to eight minutes.
Is Netherite Fireproof?
Yes, Netherite itself is fireproof and bounces or floats on lava lakes. But if you wear Netherite armour then it’s an all different story. Wearing Netherite armour won’t make the player fireproof or give immunity against fire damage. It will only reduce the fire damage to some extent, to get completely fire-proof you need to have the fire resistance potion.
Does the Fire Resistance Potion Work in Lava?
Of course yes, you will be able to swim in lava, once you have taken the fire resistance potion.
How Do You Make a Fire Resistance potion in 8 Minutes?
Technically, it takes less than 8 minutes to make a fire resistance potion, but that’s only possible if you have all the ingredients and materials ready. By adding the Redstone dust to the fire-resistance potion, the time of the potions will extend from the previous three minutes to straightaway eight minutes. Just add the Redstone dust to a bottle of fire resistance potion at the brewing stand.
The game is built in a way that the further you move ahead, the more you will need the fire resistance potion. As the difficulty of the challenges will increase, and you will have to face more fire-prone areas. So, you need to brew a lot of fire resistance potions in advance to keep it in hand all the time whenever you go on an adventure in the Minecraft game.