How to Remove Google Chrome Autofill Suggestions

If your workspace revolves around browsing the internet that also includes Google Chrome. Then no doubt that you have experienced Google Chrome’s autofill suggestion feature while filling those forms or inserting a text in the textbox of a particular website menu.

I agree that some autofill is helpful, but it’s not necessary that they are always correct. Sometimes, they suggest even more incorrect autofill suggestions which are enough to distract you.

Thankfully, We can remove Google Chrome autofill suggestions. This can work on almost every platform because Google Chrome provides the same UI of its app on every operating system.

How To Remove Google Chrome Autofill Suggestions

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So, let’s head towards our main topic.

Steps to Remove Google Chrome Autofill Suggestions

To delete the Google Chrome autofill suggestions, users need to do the following:

Step 1: Visit a perticuler websit’es menu where you have experienced autofill suggestions from Chrome.

Step 2: Start typing in the textbox so that you can see autofill suggestions appearing.

Step 3: Using your keyboard’s navigation arrows that consists of up, down, left, and right, over a suggetion that you want tp remove.

Step 4: Now use the following keys to remove the autofill suggestions:

macOSShift + FN + Delete
Windows OsShift + Delete
Chromebook / Chrome OSAlt + Shift + Delete

Step 5: You can continue deleting some unwanted autofill suggestions.

How To Remove Google Chrome Autofill Suggestions

In the above image, you can see a list of games in the search bar of a website that is absolutely unwanted and unhelpful autofill suggestions.

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I have removed it by doing the same steps as mentioned above. So you can do that easily without any issue.

How to Edit Google Chrome Autofill Suggestions & Data

To do so, users need to do the following:

Step 1: Just copy and paste the following link to your Google Chrome’s URL search bar:


Step 2: Under ‘Autofill’ section, click on ‘Addresses and more’.

Step 3: Now, click on the three dots located right next to the each addresses, now you can ‘Edit’ or ‘Remove’.

That’s all with editing Google Chrome autofill suggestions.

How to Turn OFF Autofill Suggestions in Google Chrome

Here, we’ll show you how to turn off autofill suggestions for addresses and phone number:

Step 1: Just copy and paste the following link to your Google Chrome’s URL search bar:


Step 2: Under ‘Autofill’ section, click on ‘Addresses and more’.

Step 3: Toggle off the ‘Save and fill addresses’ option to turn it off completely.

How To Remove Google Chrome Autofill Suggestions

You can do turn off autofill suggestions for passwords, and payment method.


Now, that you know how to delete, edit, and turn off the autofill suggestions in Google Chrome. You shall never experience unwanted autofill suggestions.

Some Google Chrome users have reported that turning off the autosuggestions for addresses and phone numbers, somehow impacted other autofill suggestions too. If that’s the case, by the time of writing this post, a Google Chrome app update might be available. So updating the platform should resolve the issue.

That’s it for now, hope this helps! You leave your comments in the comment section below. Till then, stay tuned for more info.

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