How To Restore Closed Tabs in Chrome?

We all use Google’s chrome browser regardless of our platform be it an Android device, Windows computer or a Mac. most of us use google chrome since it is one of the best browsers in the world as of now. if not, other browsers are coming up are also based on the chromium-browser which in itself is chrome. for instance, Samsung internet for mobile is also based on chromium or the all-new Microsoft edge is also based on chromium. However, no matter which chrome-based browser you use, the pain of accidentally closing a tab is the same. It sometimes becomes frustrating if you are in the middle of something, it can happen to anyone of us. In this post we will be discussing how we can retrieve a closed tab, yes, fortunately, developers of chrome have implemented an option to recover your accidentally closed chrome tabs.

How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

Below we have a guide for different platforms on how you can recover a chrome tab that is closed by you accidentally. Not to mention we have also added several different tips that can enhance your chrome browsing experience.

How To Restore closed tabs in Chrome on a Windows, Mac or Chromebook PC

using Chrome on a desktop the overall user interface is the same regardless of which operating system you are using. The method or the options to restore the closed chrome tabs would be the same be it on a Windows computer or a Mac. To recover and open the accidentally closed Google Chrome tab on your desktop, follow through the tutorial.

How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome
How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?
  1. On your Google Chrome, open a new tab. We are doing this so that you do not overwrite the currently opened tab in the process of r3covering the older tab which was closed.
  2. now, open the customization and control options by clicking the three dots icon which should be located in the upper rightmost corner of the Chrome screen. (If you see a dot instead of the three horizontal dots, it means your chrome is running an outdated version and it needs to be updated).
  3. From the dropdown menu, hover over the History.
  4. Inside the history, you will see the recently closed tabs and your browsing history, click on the tab which was closed and it should reopen.
How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

In case, the tab which you are looking for isn’t in the list, then it may be somewhere down the list. To view an expanded list of the history, do the following steps.

How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?
  1. Hover over the history menu, and then click on History or use the shortcut from the keyboard b pressing Ctrl + H.
  2. Now, you will get the expanded list of your history, you can find and click on the tab which was closed and it should reopen for you.
How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

Alternatively, you can also click on Ctrol+Shift+T to open your most recently closed browsing tab. You can hit multiple times to reopen the recently closed tabs.

How To Restore Closed tabs in Chrome on an Android Device

While for Android users, most of the users use chrome as their browsers, and if you are also one of them, then the steps to restore the tabs that got closed recently are very much similar to what we did on the desktop version of chrome. Follow through with the tutorial to restore closed chrome tabs on your Android device.

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How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?
  1. Head to the Google Chrome browser on your Android device and then open a new tab to avoid replacing the currently opened tab. You can open a new tab on chrome by clicking on the square icon which is located adjacent to the address bar.
  2. on the tab management screen, press the plus button located on the top left corner of the screen, it should open a new tab in your chrome browser.
  3. Next, you need to click on the customization and controls menu. You can find it on the three dots icon located at the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Inside the menu, scroll down to history and then click on it.
  5. Inside the kist of history tabs, find the one which you are looking for and tap on it, chrome should open that page once again.
How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

How To Restore Closed tabs in Chrome on an iPhone

The Google Chrome app is not platform independent when it comes to mobile devices. Be it Android or iOS, the app remains the same and so is the process to restore the closed tabs. So, if you have an Android device or an iPhone the process to restore the closed tabs would be the same as mentioned above, you can follow the same steps for restoring the closed chrome tabs on an iPhone as well.

How To Restore Closed Tabs in Chrome After a Crash

At times, often Google Chrome crashes and all of your data or the tabs opened can be lost, but the developers have given an option to restore the closed tabs which happened due to chrome crashing. To restore the closed tabs you will be having two options, either you go to the history of your device and open each closed tab once again. Or, when you open the Chrome app just after it being crashed, chrome will give a small popup at the right of the screen asking you to restore all of the tabs which were closed earlier. clicking on the Restore button will certainly restore everything where you left before the chrome crashed. To enable the option to restore tabs, you will have to follow the steps mentioned below.

How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?
  1. Head to your Chrome browser, and open a new tab, if it’s already opened then also you will have to open a new tab to avoid overriding the currently opened website on the tab.
  2. Now, you need to click on the customization and control options from the address bar. it is the three dots icon located at the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Inside the dropdown menu, find and then click on settings.
  4. Once inside the settings menu, you need to look for the On Startup option. Make sure that you have turned the toggle on for Continue where you left off.
  5. That’s it you can now head out of the settings and close the settings tab.
How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

Now, that you have turned on the option, every time you start google chrome on your device, it will open the last closed tabs and you can continue where you left off. In case your computer crashes suddenly, then all of your chrome tabs will be able to recover when you open the chrome app once again.

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This can also work even if you press the cross button from the right corner of the screen. if you close all of the tabs at once including the chrome browser itself, then you can simply recover it by opening the chrome app again. but, if you have closed each tab individually, then you won’t be able to recover the closed tabs on chrome even if you close and re-open the browser. Then you will have to go to the history and then restore each tab manually.

How To Restore Accidentally Closed Tabs in Chrome After a Restart

In case you have accidentally closed your chrome browser or your computer crashed and the chrome was unexpectedly closed, then you can either go to the history of the chrome to restore each of the opened tabs manually or use the Continue where you left off feature from the chrome which can help you in restoring the tabs which were opened earlier.

Accessing tabs Opened in Other Devices

Google has also introduced a new feature where you can access your Chrome tabs from other devices as well. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that you should log in with the same google account on chrome on both devices, only then it will be able to sync. history will also be synced and can come in handy at times if you wish to open a website on your desktop that you have recently come across from your mobile device. Follow through the instructions mentioned below to enable this and know how to do it.

How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?
  1. open the Google Chrome app on your device and then open a new tab to avoid replacing the current tab with the one you are going to open.
  2. Open the customization and control menu by clicking on the three dots icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Now, inside the dropdown menu, find and head to the History and then click on it.
  4. Now, inside the menu on the left side, click on the tabs from other devices option. From that list that appears, you can see the recently opened tabs across the devices on chrome where it is logged in with the same Google account. Find the website from the list which you want to open and then click on it to open it.
How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

Deleting Browser History

often we come across a situation where we have to clear out the browsing history of our browsers. Sometimes it helps in reducing the clutters and temporary files which can lead to reducing the disk space., you can do that individually or each history registered or all at once it’s totally up to you. To do either of the methods for clearing the history you can follow through the tutorial below.

How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?
  1. Open the chrome browser on your device and then head to the customization and control menu by clicking on the three dots icon located at the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. From the dropdown menu, you need to put your cursor to the history button and then click on it.
  3. Inside the history option, find the button that says Clear browsing data from the left window pane and then click on it.
  4. Alternatively, you can also open the dropdown menu and then head to the settings, then inside the settings click the menu from the left, then click on Privacy and security. From the tabs on the right side of the screen, you need to click on Clear browsing data.
  5. Once you click on the clear browsing data button, a new popup will appear asking if you want to clean it in a basic or advanced way.
    1. The basic option will allow you to clear the history, cookies and all of the caches images and files. On top of that, it will also give you an option to set the period of which you want to delete. The period range is from last one hour, 24 hours, seven days, four weeks, or all time.
    2. While on the other hand, the advanced option will allow you to specify the individually saved metadata from the websites. These metadata can include browsing history, download history, cookies, and site data, cached files, passwords, auto-fill data, site settings and hosted app data. You can individually select each of them and if you wish to keep you can simply keep it unticked and chrome will not clear those, like the login details which can come in handy later on. The period range for clearing the browsing data is similar to what we get on the basic level of clearing the browsing data.
  6. After you have selected the metadata of what all you want to clear, click on the Clear data button.
  7. That’s it you can now close the settings and start your browsing once again from a fresh and all of your browsing history which you selected have been cleared.
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How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

Clear Individual Site History

If you want to clear the browsing history of an individual website then you may proceed with the below tutorial.

How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?
  1. First, open the Chrome browser, then head to the customization and control menu by clicking on the three dots icon which is located at the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Find and then hover your cursor to the history option from the dropdown menu and then click on it.
  3. if you want to delete the websites one by one, then find the site that you want to delete the browsing history of and then click on the three dots icon located at the right of the site name. From that dropdown menu that appears, click on remove from history.
  4. incase you want to delete more than one website at once but not all, then you can click on the checkbox at the left of the website name. ponce you have selected all of the websites for which you want to clear the browsing history click on delete from the upper right corner of the screen. From the popup dialogue box that appears click on Remove.
  5. That’s it, you gave successfully removed the browsing history for the selected websites. you can continue your work, and close the settings tab.
How To Restore Closed Tabs In Chrome?

A Rather Common Error

Closing the chrome browser or one of its tabs is a rather very common error and it occurs a lot of time from the users that use web browsers. Sometimes this can be pretty annoying if you don’t have that website bookmarked or you were deep inside the webpage. Fortunately, the Chrome developers have provided its users with a lot of different ways through which you can deal with this error and you can prevent all of your potential data loss and frustrations.

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