Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently

We all love Google Chrome, be it any platform we use the chrome browser as our default browser. it is probably the fastest and most commonly used browser across the globe. With multiple tab options, now you can surf through the internet in multiple directions at multiple websites all at once. However, this multi-tab option can also cause a cluttered overview of your browser, which can be a mess. To overcome this issue Google has come up with a very good initiative called Tab Groups. Using the tab group option users can improve their overall user experience of the chrome browser.

The group tab option allows users to club tabs together similar tabs under one single tab, using it you can organize a lot of tabs, and it can be easier for you to find the one tab that you are looking for amongst the other 50 tabs opened.

Chrome also provides options like saving it in chrome and then you can open it later on whenever you need it. A very handy feature that you can use to store articles that you want to read later on.

chrome tab groups

Below is a quick tutorial on how to create groups of tabs on Google chrome, so start using it and declutter your already cluttered Google chrome. This also works on other chromium-based browsers if they support it.

How To Create a Tab Group in Chrome

Google has implemented grouping tabs the right way. Because grouping tabs is very easy and simple to do it. Most of your efforts will be in identifying the tabs to group together than actually grouping them.

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Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently1
  1. All you need to do is from the opened tabs in Google Chrome, right-click on one of the tabs which you want to group. Then click on Add tab to a new group from the contextual menu.
  2. In the next step, you will have to provide a name for the group. Type in an appropriate name that defines the group of tabs and then press the Enter key on your keyboard to confirm the grouping of tabs and their name.
    Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently2
  3. Now, the tab group is created but a group needs to have more than one entity. So, from all the other currently opened tabs inside Google Chrome, right-click on the other tabs that you want to add to the group which you just created. From the contextual menu hover over to Add a tab to the group option and then click on the tab group name to add the tab.
    Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently3
  4. That’s it, you have successfully created a tab group in Chrome. You can add more groups and tabs by repeating the above steps.

How To Save Tab Groups in Chrome

To enable the save tab group feature in Google Chrome, you need to first enable it from the chrome flags menu. Since it is an experimental feature, so first you need to visit chrome://flags and then from the menu of different flags search for save tab groups and then enable it and restart your browser. Below is the detailed step-by-step tutorial of how you can enable the tabs group save feature on Google chrome from the chrome flags menu.

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Enable ‘Tabs group Save’ experimental flag in Chrome

  1. On your computer open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. In the address bar type chrome://flags and hit enter.
    Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently4
  3. Then from the chrome flag menu, locate or search Tab Groups Save feature and then click on the following drop-down menu.
  4. Click to choose the Enabled option to enable it for the browser on the device.
    Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently5
  5. Restart your Chrome browser on the computer to enable the feature, since every chrome flag feature when enabled needs a restart. You can also click on the relaunch button present at the bottom right corner of the Chrome window to do so.
Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently6

Saving tab Groups in Chrome

Now that you have enabled the save tab groups feature on Google Chrome from the flags menu, here is how you can use it to save tab groups in chrome. It’s a merely easy process and requires a single click to save the tab groups on chrome. Follow the below quick tutorial to know how to save the tab groups.

  1. Right-click on the opened tab group name and then turn on the toggle switch next to the save group option to save it for later use.
  2. That’s it, the whole group of tabs you have created will be saved for later use on chrome, and you will be able to quickly access it in case you close the group.

How to Access Saved tab Groups in Chrome

With the new Google Chrome, you can quickly open the save tab group if you have closed the group and you wish to revisit at a later time or if you have just restarted your PC or the chrome browser.

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Tips to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Chrome Efficiently7

All you need is to open the Google Chrome browser on your desktop and then click on the download arrow icon which should be located near the minimize window button. From the contextual menu you can find the tab group from the recent close section, simply click on it to open the tab group again.


Grouping tabs on chrome and saving them to use later are two great features that have been added to chrome. Google keeps on improving the user experience of the browser and they have added a lot of new features to the browser. You can group your tabs and divide them category wise to quickly access the tab that you are looking for and it looks way more organized when compared to opening 50 tabs at once without grouping it.

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