How To Delete a Discord Account?

All those people who play games online must have heard about discord or must be using it to communicate among other gamers and it also helps in streaming. Discord is by far the best option to communicate it give a lot of options and features to use while chatting. The chat app has evolved and became a very good app, so good that most gamers use it to communicate and stream their games.

Discoed is basically an application that is designed around gamers and is made for gaming-centric people. This is why it gives some cool features and options that would directly help gamers and streamers.

if for some reason you didn’t like Discord, or simply you don’t want to be on discord anymore. Then this post should be helpful for you since we will be discussing how to delete a Discord account permanently.

How To Delete A Discord Account

How To Disable Your Discord Account

Fortunately, Discord gives both the option to delete and disable your discord account. it is very much similar to disabling or deleting any other social media account like Facebook, Instagram and more. Once you have successfully deleted your discord account, you won’t be able to undo it, and all of your account data would be deleted forever. While disabling a Discord account, would simply mean that you are taking a break from the app and will be back soon.

You can use the account disabling option of Discord if you are planning to return to Discord in the future anytime. With the help of this option, you will be able to keep your data as it is, and next time whenever you will return to discord, all of your data will remain as it and you won’t be needing to set up the whole account once again.

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Below is the tutorial through which you can disable your Discord account.

How To Delete A Discord Account?
  1. Open the Discord app on your device.
  2. Log in with your Discord account, the one which you want to disable.
  3. Head to your user settings by clicking on your profile photo.How To Delete A Discord Account
  4. Go to the My Account section and then click on Edit.
  5. Now, navigate to the bottom of your window and then there you will find an option to disable the account. Click on it and you will start with the disabling process.
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How To Delete A Discord Account?

Disabling Your Account on Mobile

If you use Discord mostly on your mobile device be it Android or iOS. You still can use it to disable your Discord account, which means you don’t need to log in to a desktop-only to disable your discord account. But, the process isn’t as easy as it is if you disable your account using a desktop. As, there is no direct way to disable a discord account using a mobile phone, and the only indirect way through which you can disable your account is right below.

  1. Open Discord on your mobile device and then log in to your account.
  2. Tap on the cog icon from the bottom right and it should open the User settings menu. Head to the My Account section.
  3. here, you will have an option to Disable an account or delete an account. But, once you click on either of the options, it will redirect you to the support page of discord, where it will tell you ways through which you can disable a discord account.
How To Delete A Discord Account?

In other words, if you want to disable your discord account using your mobile device, you need to put in a request with support. This is currently the only method through which you can disable your discord account using your mobile phone.

How To Permanently delete Your Discord Account

For users who have decided to permanently cut off discord from their lives and doesn’t want to use Discord anymore, then they can obviously delete their Discord account. Or if you are looking to create a new account and wants to delete the present Discord account, below is the process through which you will be able to permanently delete your discord account.

Also, do note that you can only delete your Discord account directly from a desktop computer, if you will use your mobile for the same, then you will have to ask for a request from the support page, only then you will be able to delete the Discord account. So it is better to use a desktop PC to delete your Discord account, it will be much easier and hassle-free.

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If you are an admin or the owner of a server inside your Discord account, then you will have to assign someone on your behalf, before you delete your discord account.

How To Delete A Discord Account?

How To Delete Account

  1. Open Discord on your device.
  2. After you have successfully logged in to your Discord account, head to your user settings and then click on the My Account section.
  3. Here, you need to click on edit your account. Now, at the bottom of the window, you will find an option to Delete an Account. Click on the delete button to delete your account permanently.
How To Delete A Discord Account?

Once you press the delete button, Discord will ask you to enter the password of that account and if you have set 2FA, then it will ask to verify the 2FA code as well, after which you will be able to successfully delete your Discord account.

Also, if you are going to delete your Discord account, then before deleting you need to make sure, that the server and channels or groups of which you are the admin, you have to give the rights and your position to another user, or simply delete that server and groups as well.

Below is the process on how to transfer ownership of a Discord server.

  1. While you are inside the Discord app, head to the server name and then open the server settings.
  2. Now, on the left side of the menu, under the user management find and click on the option that says, Members.
  3. On the next screen, you will have to decide to whom you want to transfer your ownership and admin rights. Once, you have finalized your decision you can proceed with the shifting of your ownership to another member. You have to hover the cursor to the member whom you are going to make in charge of the server and then click on the three dots.
  4. From the next pop-up menu select the option Transfer ownership.
  5. As soon as the transfer is complete, you will then be downgraded to a regular member of that server depending on the role provided. Your access to that server will be limited to that particular post.
  6. If you think that your server has no such member whom you can trust with the ownership, then you may simply delete the server for your own good.
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How To Delete A Discord Account?

To delete a Discord server from your account follow through the tutorial below.

  1. Head to the server settings inside your Discord account.
  2. From the menu located on the left side, scroll down and find the Delete Server option.
  3. Click on the Delete Server option and then to confirm the process you will need to enter the Discord account password. If you have enabled two-factor authentication on your account, then you will need to verify that as well, only then you will be able to successfully complete the process of deletion of your Discord server.
  4. One last time you will be prompted to click on the Delete Server button, after which there is no turning back. Once you have deleted the account you will have 14 days to recover your account, after which it will be permanently deleted.
How To Delete A Discord Account?

After your account has been successfully flushed out of Discord, your account will show as DeletedUser 0000 or something similar to this. users to whom you have sent messages will remain as it is for the users and they can read old messages of your conversation with them.

If I delete my account, do all of my messages disappear?

Well, no if you delete your account, your username will be changed and only you won’t be able to access the account and its information, however, others will be able to see your older messages ent on the server and channels, but the name would be changed to Deleteduser#0000.

Can I Restart my Discord Account?

We have discussed this earlier, and after the deletion of your Discord account, Discord gives you up to 14 days of time to recover your account, after which it will flush it out permanently, and further you cannot recover your account by any means. The only option would be to create a new account.

See next: How To Report a User on Discord? (PC/Mobile)

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