How To Get Apple Music Replay on iPhone, iPad and iTunes

Apple Music is a very popular music streaming service available across all Apple devices, and recently they have also started to support Android devices.

The tech giant keeps on improving its app UI, and services to make people stick to their music streaming service as the competition is very high. A very large chunk of people are still sticking to Spotify because of its ease of use and features.

Apple recently added a new way to let users view their music listening history, they call the feature Apple Music Replay. This new feature is a package and includes everything that you have played in the past year. Such as top played songs, number of artists you have listened to and total albums you have checked in a year.

Get Apple Music Replay on iPhone iPad and iTunes

Although the Apple Music replay is as of now only available through the Apple Music web player, you can get the replay playlist on your iPhones by adding it to your music library through the web interface with the help of a browser.

Follow through the tutorial below to know how you can add Apple Music replay on your iPhones and iPads.

  1. Start by launching the web browser on your computer and then open the following link-
    Apple Music Replay
  2. If you haven’t signed in with your Apple account in that browser, then make sure to either sign in beforehand, or you will be redirected to the Apple sign-in page. If not then you can click on the sign-in button located at the top right corner of the screen and then sign with your Apple ID so that you can start using the Apple Music Web Player.
  3. After signing in, you should be redirected to the default home page of the Apple Music web player.
  4. Next, you need to go to the web page again and this time as you have signed in already, you will get an option to click on the Get Your Replay Mix, simply click on it.
    Apple Music Replay Get Your
  5. Apple Music will then instantly load your listening history and will provide you with all of the details such as the most played songs, total artists and albums you have checked in the past year and then it will all be shown to you on your screen.
  6. Once you have scrolled through the information you can scroll back to the top and then click on the + button to add it to your library and save your Replay Mix playlist to your music library which can, later on, be accessed by any of your devices.
    Apple Music Replay on iPhone
  7. Once you have successfully added the replay mix playlist to your Apple music library, you can now launch the Apple Music App on your iPhone and then tap on the Library tab on the bottom bar.
    Apple Music Replay on iPhone 1
  8. There, you should see the Replay Playlist under the Recently Added section on the screen.
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Using Apple Music Replay in iTunes

In a similar way, you can find the replay playlist in iTunes under the Apple Music playlists section which should be located on the left panel of iTunes.

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