How to view your Archived Orders on Amazon?

In today’s world, online shopping is increasing day-by-day. And, most probably, you must have ordered something online at least once.

However, the most common example of an online eCommerce marketplace is Amazon, which sells hundreds of products in almost every category.

But, do you know once you place an order on Amazon, you cannot delete the orders?


Yeah, you read it right!

Amazon keeps track of each and every activity performed on its platform. So, whatever you purchase, it will become a part of the digital record.

Despite the fact that you cannot delete your order history, you can make it tough for other people to view it – through the process called Archiving.

What are Archived Orders?

Archived orders are the orders that you don’t want to see from the cart, instead, they’ll show up when you search for them.

Archiving an order can be done due to the following reasons:

  1. If the purchasing details leaked to someone for whom it was a gift, then the surprise will be ruined.
  2. If you’ve ordered an item which can be embarrassing if someone saw it.
  3. You’ve purchased an item from an Amazon account (friends and family with access to your account.)

But Amazon does not archive orders automatically, so you’ll have to do the process manually.

You might be wondering, “how is the archive different from the delete?”

Archiving and deletion are two totally different things. When you delete an order, it’s removed permanently and you cannot restore it afterward.

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But, when you archive an order, it’s moved by default to the archive folder. Unlike deletion, it’s not permanent; rather you can move orders to and from the archive folder.

Tip: I’d suggest deleting the search history as well.

How to Archive your Amazon Orders?

Suppose you’ve ordered an item from Amazon, now you want to hide that item from others. So, you need to archive your order.

To archive an order, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Sign in to your Amazon account. From the right side of the menu bar, click “Returns and Orders”.


Step 2: Scroll down to find the item that you want to archive. I’d suggest you use a search feature (if you’ve hundreds of items) to find an item on the “Your Orders” page.

Then, click “Archive order” as shown in the below image.


Step 3: Once you’ve clicked on the Archive order, a window will pop up, where you’ve to click on “Archive order” once again to confirm your action.


If you’ve more than one item in an order, then all the items in that order will be archived.


Fact: At the time of writing, you can archive up to 500 orders in your Amazon account.

As we discussed earlier, archived orders do not get deleted. So, you can view those in two different ways.

Find Archived Orders From “Your Orders”

Step 1: Open your preferred web browser on the desktop and visit Amazon. If you’re not signed in, then click “Sign in” and log in with your credentials.

Step 2: On the top bar, click on “Returns & Orders”.


In case your orders are not displayed.

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Try the other way, that is hovering to “Accounts & Lists” and click on “Your Orders”.


Step 3: On the “Your Orders” page, click the past 6 months drop-down under the orders tab. At the bottom of the list, you’ll see “Archived Orders”.


Step 4: Once you’ve clicked on Archived Orders, all the items that you’ve been archived will be displayed.


If you want to move your archived items back to the “Orders” page, then click on “Unarchive Order”.


As soon as you click on Unarchive Order, your item will go back to the Orders page.

Find Archived Orders From “Your Account”

Step 1: Visit Amazon and login to your account on the desktop.

Step 2: On the top bar, hover over “Accounts & Lists” and then click on “Your Account”.


Step 3: You’ll be redirected to “Your Account” page. In the “Order and shopping preferences” section, click on “Archived Orders”.


Step 4: Your archived orders will be displayed.


Delete Your Browsing History

Now, you’ve successfully archived your orders, but your browsing history is still visible. It’s not a big concern if the account is used by yourself.

In case the account is shared with other users as well, then it’s necessary to delete your browsing history.

To delete your browsing history, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Firstly, you’ve to sign in to your Amazon account and click on “Your Browsing History”.


Step 2: If you want to remove a selected item from the search history, then click on “Remove from view” under the particular product.


Alternatively, if you want to delete the entire history, then click on “Manage history” drop-down and select “Remove all items from view”.


Step 3: You can even stop Amazon from collecting your information by clicking on “Manage history” and turning the slider in off position for “Turn Browsing History on/off”.


Bonus: Use an Amazon Household Account

One of the untapped ways of hiding your purchase is through an Amazon Household Account.

A household account lets you create multiple users (up to 10) under the same account. You can share Amazon benefits with adults, teens as well as kids.


With this account, you can maintain separate purchase history and recommendations. However, adults can still view your purchase history, but it will be hidden from teens and kids.

Amazon Household account can contain the following profiles:

  • Two adults age 18 and above – having their own Prime accounts.
  • Up to four teens profiles with age 13-17.
  • Up to four children’s profiles with age 12 and below.

It’s the best way to secure your purchase history among your family members.

Archiving is the best and the only way to hide your orders from others. However, anyone can view those from the archive if they have access to your account.

Either place an order from a different account or kick off other users from your account.

Do you have any other queries regarding archiving your orders on Amazon? If yes, feel free to ask us in the comment section below.

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