iTunes Not Showing Album Artwork? Here’s how to fix it.

Many users have reported that their iTunes suddenly stopped showing album artwork on their iDevices and Mac. The reason behind the issue is still unknown, but it’s not like you can’t do anything about it. Follow the simple guide that we’ve managed to provide you.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to fix iTunes not showing album artwork issue. Without further delay, let’s get started.

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How To Fix Itunes Not Showing Album Artwork Issue?

For Mac users using iTunes

We are going to reset album artwork for albums on iTunes, here’s how to do that:

Step 1: Visit iTunes app on Mac.

Step 2: Select Library.

Step 3: Select Albums located on the left side.

Get album artwork

Follow the steps mentioned below to resolve the issue.

Step 1: Right click on the problematic album in iTunes.

Step 2: Now, chose Get Album Artwork.

Step 3: Confirm by selecting Get Album Artwork in the popup menu.

However, it is not guaranteed that this method will work or not. Alternately, select File > Library > Get Album Artwork, now check if the issue is resolved.

Play a Song

Sometimes, the album artwork will appear when you play a particular song, so play a song from any album.

Re-organize Library

The issue might get resolved when you re-organize your iTunes library. Select File > Library > Organize Library from the toolbar in iTunes.

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Rebuild iTunes Music Library

Step 1: Exit iTunes on your PC.

Step 2: Back up iTunes media folder on PC, this folder can be located in Music on your home folder on Mac.

Step 3: Copy iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Library.xml.

Step 4: Delete the iTunes Library or iTunes Library.itl file.

Step 5: Open iTunes and choose File > Library > Import Playlist.

Step 6: Navigate to the iTunes Library.xml, click Choose.

Your iTunes library will rebuilt.

How To Fix Itunes Not Showing Album Artwork Issue?

Clear the Cache

iTunes creates a cache folder on macOS, deleting and replacing the folder might resolve the issue. Here’s how to do that:

Step 1: Search for Music folder under Home on your Mac.

Step 2: Inside the Music folder, clickl on iTunes folder.

Step 3: Choose Album Artwork folder.

Step 4: Empty Trash on your PC.

Step 5: Restart iTunes.

How To Fix Itunes Not Showing Album Artwork Issue?

It is advised to not delete any folder inside the Album Artwork folder.

Album artwork missing in Apple Music

PC users

Step 1: Select File > Library > Get Album Artwork in iTunes.

Step 2: Now, choose File > Library > Update iCloud Music Library.

Step 3: Open the Music app on your iOS device, once the iCloud music library has been updated.

Step 4: If you still see songs or albums with missing artwork, remove the download from the device.

Step 5: Tap on the Download icon located to the right of the song, your media will be downloaded again.

Phone users

Step 1: Visit Settings app on your iPhone, then tap on Music.

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Step 2: Turn off iCloud Music Library.

Step 3: Select Turn Off to confirm.

Step 4: Wait for 40-50 seconds.

Step 5: Now, Turn On iCloud Music Library.

Step 6: At the prompt, Merge your music.

Step 7: Visit Music app to check if the issue is fixed.

How To Fix Itunes Not Showing Album Artwork Issue?

iPhone solution

The song on your iDevice is a mixture of iTunes titles and downloaded a song from Apple Music. You’re might not able to see the artwork because the songs do not belong to Apple Music. So we recommend you delete the songs that are present on the iOS device and then download fresh content through Apple Music.

Visit Settings app > General > iPhone Storage > choose Edit above All Songs under Recommendations> tap on the red circle to the left side of the song > tap on delete.

If the issue is still there, contact Apple Support.

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