[LIST] System Apps that are Safe to Remove on Samsung Devices

Android devices come pre-installed with all sorts of apps and it is getting worse with every passing day. The users are stuck with these apps no matter they use them or not. These pre-installed apps, also called as bloatware, take up space and memory on your device for no good reason. Samsung devices are some of the most affected devices when it comes to this issue. Samsung installs tons of apps that are no good and also there are tons of unnecessary system apps pre-installed in most Samsung devices. In this guide, we are bringing a list of bloatware/system apps that are safe to remove from Samsung Galaxy devices.

Samsung devices come with a lot of apps that are installed as system apps. Now, it is important to note here that almost all the apps in Samsung devices, out of the box, are installed as system apps. Meaning that you cannot simply remove/uninstall these apps unless you have root on your device. Not all these apps are unnecessary and removing a core app which is needed for the device to function properly may cause undesired results. So, it is very important that you only remove the apps that are actually safe to remove. Before getting to the list, here’s a small information to help understand bloatware better.

What is bloatware?

The term “bloatware” stands for a software/app that comes preinstalled on your device which is of no use to the user. These apps are installed as system app which means that the user will not be able to simply ‘uninstall’ the app like they would with the normal apps. This way, the user is forced to have/use the app on their device. The OEMs do that mostly when they collaborate with a specific app/company to promote a particular app in question. Also, the carriers install quite a bit of bloatware on the devices they carry.

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Why is bloatware bad?

  • They take up space. And they grow bigger in size with every update.
  • They run the background and constantly consume RAM.
  • They pollute the app drawer and spoil the whole user experience.
  • The user doesn’t have a choice to install them.

How to remove the bloatware from your Samsung device?

If your Samsung device is rooted, you can use apps like System App Remover and Bloatware Remover from the Google Play Store to easily uninstall them.

On the other hand, if your Samsung device is not rooted (which is the case most of the time), you can still get rid of them for good. Read ahead.

What you need to know to remove bloatware apps on your Samsung?

In order to remove bloatware from your Samsung device, you need to know the below details:

  1. The package name of the app you want to remove/uninstall.
  2. Is the app actually safe to uninstall/remove?

And here’s how to find these details:

How to find the app package name?

There are more than one ways to get this information and we will see all of them here.

1. Using ADB

  1. Install ADB and Fastboot on your Windows machine.
  2. Make sure to enable USB Debugging on your Samsung device.
  3. Use the following ADB Commands to pull out the app package names:
    Get the list of all apps:
    adb shell pm list packages
    Get the list of all system apps only
    adb shell pm list packages -s
    Get the list of all Samsung apps only
    adb shell pm list packages | grep 'samsung'
  4. The above will list out package names of all the Samsung apps installed on your device.
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Simply copy/paste it from the command/powershell window into a notepad.

2. Using App:

There are apps on the Google Play Store that will list out the package names of all the apps installed on your device. These are pretty easy to use. Here are some of my favorties:

  1. Package Name Viewer 2.0
  2. App Inspector by Projectoria
  3. App Inspector by UBQSoft

Simply install them on your Samsung device and open them follow the on-screen instructions, if any. They are as straightforward as it gets. Look for the app you want to uninstall and note down the package name.

List of Bloatware / System Apps on Samsung device that are safe to Remove

Here comes the ultimate list of all the bloatware apps that you can safely remove from your Samsung Galaxy device. Please note that that you may not find all of them on your Galaxy. For example, one app might be present in Galaxy S7 but not in the Galaxy S10 or the vice versa. This list covers all the Samsung Galaxy devices that have ever existed.

The below list of apps is compiled from the community. These apps are safe to remove from your Samsung Galaxy device. That said, please take a full back up of your device before proceeding. It is always recommended to have a backup before permanently modifying your device. Proceed with caution.

In case if you are wondering how to remove the below apps, we have a short guide in the next section. Be sure to check it out!

  1. Airmotiontryactually.apk
  2. Alarmwidget.apk
  3. AllShareCastPlayer.apk
  4. AllshareControlShare.apk
  5. AllshareFileShare.apk
  6. AllshareFileShareClient.apk
  7. AllshareFileShareServer.apk
  8. AllshareMediaServer.apk
  9. AllshareMediaShare.apk
  10. AllSharePlay15.apk
  11. BasicDreams.apk
  12. Blurb.apk
  13. Books.apk
  14. ChatON_feature.apk
  15. ChatONV_J.apk
  16. ChocoEUKor.apk
  17. Chrome.apk
  18. CHS_J_Device_only.apk
  19. CloudAgent.apk
  20. Clockpackage.apk
  21. Collage_fhd.apk
  22. Colourblind.apk
  23. Com2usPoker_ASGC.apk
  24. CoolEUKor.apk
  25. DigitalClock21.apk
  26. DigitalClock.apk
  27. DioDict3service.apk
  28. Directconnect.apk
  29. DirectshareManager.apk
  30. DroidSansSherifItalic.apk
  31. Dropbox.apk
  32. DropboxOOBE.apk
  33. DSMForwarding.apk
  34. DSMLawmo.apk
  35. DualClockDigital.apk
  36. Earth.apk
  37. EasyFavouritesContactsWidget.apk
  38. Easylauncher.apk
  39. ELMAgent.apk
  40. Episodes.apk
  41. Eraser.apk
  42. Flipboard.apk
  43. FotaClient.apk
  44. FWUpgrade.apk
  45. GroupPlay_20.apk
  46. GroupPlay_20.apk
  47. HealthContentProvider.apk
  48. Hearingdro.apk
  49. InteractiveTutorial.apk
  50. Kies.apk
  51. kieswifi.apk
  52. KikinSearch.apk
  53. KnoxAgent.apk
  54. LocalFOTA.apk
  55. Magazines.apk
  56. Match3VS.apk
  57. Minimode-res.apk
  58. MobilePrint2.apk
  59. MobilePrintSvc_CUPS.apk
  60. MobilePrintSvc_Epson.apk
  61. MobilePrintSvc_HP.apk
  62. MobilePrintSvc_Samsung.apk
  63. MobileTrackerEngineTwo.apk
  64. MusicLiveShare.apk
  65. MusicPlayerWT.apk
  66. Music2.apk
  67. Navigator_Select_Samsung.apk
  68. NfcTest.apk
  69. NoiseField.apk
  70. OmaCP.apk
  71. Peel.apk
  72. PageBuddyNotiSvc2.apk
  73. PhaseBeam.apk
  74. PicAction.apk
  75. PickUpTutorial.apk
  76. PlusOne.apk
  77. PolarisViewer5.apk
  78. PreloadInstaller.apk
  79. PrismBooks.apk
  80. PrismGames.apk
  81. PrismLearning.apk
  82. PrismMusic.apk
  83. PrismStore.apk
  84. PrismVideo.apk
  85. RoseEUKor.apk
  86. S-Voice_Android_Phone_J.apk
  87. S_Translator_CSLi.apk
  88. SamsungApps_J_Only.apk
  89. SamsungAppsUNA3.apk
  90. SamsungBooks.apk
  91. SamsungGames.apk
  92. SamsungHub.apk
  93. SamsungHubUpdater.apk
  94. SamsungLearning.apk
  95. SamsungOCR2.apk
  96. SamsungSans.apk
  97. Samsungservice.apk
  98. SamsungTTS.apk
  99. SamsungTTS_white.apk
  100. SamsungWidget_ProgramMonitor.apk
  101. SamsungSans.apk
  102. SBrowser.apk
  103. SBrowserTry.apk
  104. sCloudBackupApp.apk
  105. sCloudBackupProvider.apk
  106. sCloudDataRelay.apk
  107. sCloudDataSync.apk
  108. sCloudQuotaApp.apk
  109. sCloudSyncCalendar.apk
  110. sCloudSyncContacts.apk
  111. sCloudSyncSBrowserBookmark.apk
  112. sCloudSyncSBrowserTabs.apk
  113. sCloudSyncSNote.apk
  114. SecDownloadProviderUi.apk
  115. SecEmail_J.apk
  116. SecExchange.apk
  117. SecSafetyAssurance.apk
  118. SecNoteMyFiles.apk
  119. SecSetupWizard2013.apk
  120. SecVideoList.apk
  121. SecWalletManager.apk
  122. SetupWizard.apk
  123. SHealth2.apk
  124. SimpleWidget.apk
  125. SmartBriefing4x2.apk
  126. SNS.apk
  127. SMemo2.apk
  128. SNoteProvider.apk
  129. SphericalMosaic.apk
  130. SPlannerAppWidget.apk
  131. SPPPushClient_Prod.apk
  132. StoryAlbumWidget.apk
  133. S_Translator_CSLi.apk
  134. S-Voice_Android_phone_J.apk
  135. Talk.apk
  136. Talkback.apk
  137. TravelService.apk
  138. TravelWidget.apk
  139. TrimApp_phone_J.apk
  140. TripAdvisor.apk
  141. Velvet.apk
  142. VoiceRecorder.apk
  143. VoiceSearchStub.apk
  144. WeatherWidgetDaemon.apk
  145. WebManual.apk
  146. WfdBroker.apk
  147. WlanTest.apk
  148. wssyncmlnps.apk
  149. YahoonewsPhone2013.apk
  150. YahoostockPhone2013.apk
  151. YosemitePHN.apk
  152. YouTube.apk
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How to Uninstall Bloatware on Samsung Devices

As we have already said before, the bloatware apps are usually installed as system apps on Samsung Galaxy devices. So, you would need root access on your Galaxy to get rid of them. Once you have rooted your device, you have to install a root explorer on your device. There are many options but we prefer the below two:

  1. MiXplorer
  2. File Explorer Root Browser

After you install any of the root explorers, simply go to the System > App folder on your device and look for the package name you want to remove (from the list above) and simply delete the same. Be sure to reboot your device for the changes to take effect.

That is the complete list of bloatware that you can remove from the Samsung Galaxy Android device. Hope the list helps. If you have more apps that can be added to the list, do let us know in the comments down below.

3 thoughts on “[LIST] System Apps that are Safe to Remove on Samsung Devices”

  1. Nice job 😊 I’ve rooted my Samsung A3 yesterday and I was wondering which f… apk to remove. You gave me the right answer ! Thanx a lot

  2. I tried rooting my phone. But it never grew roots. I kept watering it but it just wouldn’t grow,.. it was good soil too.. oh that’s right, it was a Samsung I should have put it deeper into the soil


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