How to Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone

If you are using an iPhone and have recently noticed that websites are loading slower than usual or the background app sync isn’t happening in a usual way.

It could be because of iPhone’s low data mode feature, which when turned on disables unnecessary background syncs and app data consumption. This feature was first seen with the iOS 13 and it helped a lot of users in saving money and cellular data as many of the users still uses limited monthly data plans.

When the Low data mode is enabled, the system prevents automatic updates of the apps and it also restricts the apps from background refresh, also the network switches to a lower spectrum to save data as well as battery.

Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone

On the flip side, as cellular data is getting cheaper day by day, and there are several unlimited data plans across the globe from various carriers, you can always decide to turn off the low data mode of your iPhone.

Why Turn off Low Data Mode?

You can definitely keep it turned on permanently. But iOS isn’t designed to run on low data mode. As the OS itself requires data to sync information or update the system in the background, there are certain scenarios where there is a need for internet in the background.

And turning on low data mode keeps the OS away from doing any internet-based task in the background. So, it is better to disable low data mode if it isn’t required.

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Turn Off Low Data Mode for mobile Data/Cellular Data

In order to turn off low data mode for mobile data follow through the steps.

  1. On your, iPhone go to the settings app from the home screen.How to Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone All Things How1
  2. Tap on the Mobile data option from the settings menu.How to Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone All Things How2
  3. Tap on the Mobile Data options located below the Mobile data option.
  4. Lastly, tap on the toggle to switch off the Low Data Mode on your iOS device.How to Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone All Things How3

Turn Off Low Data Mode for Wi-Fi

To turn off the low Data Mode for WiFi on your iPhone follow through the tutorial below.

  1. On your iPhone open the Settings app from the home screen of your device.
  2. Tap on the WIFI option from the settings menu.How to Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone All Things How1
  3. Next, you need to tap on the information (i logo) located on the right-side end of the meu option.How to Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone All Things How5
  4. Now, you need to tap on the toggle to turn off the Low Data Mode for Wifi.How to Turn Off Low Data Mode on iPhone All Things How6

That’s it. Now you have successfully turned off low data Mode on your iPhone for Wi-Fi as well cellular data. It can be helpful sometimes in certain scenarios, but we will recommend turning it on only when needed, and the rest of the time it should be turned off so that your device can work properly, sync apps timely and update the system whenever needed.

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