Why Root Android? Here are all the reasons to consider.

Rooting is a frequently heard term when it comes to Android users. It isn’t possible that you didn’t hear that term at least once if you own an Android device. According to Kaspersky, 7.6% of all Android users root, This article is for the users who do not indulge in this practice of rooting their Android phones.

Rooting serves various functions to the device. It allows the device to remove the barriers as well as open the Android device to unprecedented levels of control. The rooting helps you control most of the aspects of the device as well as tune the software the way you want it.

Your device no longer falls victim to sluggish software performance, bloatware, and other questionable choices. Not only that, but rooting also extends the life of old, worn-out devices.

Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

It frees you from the watch on Google and improves the security of your device. The functionality of the bed is also better, and the hardware works with more efficiency. You have control over your data, and the Android device no longer relies on the incompetence of OEMs and carriers.

The first few advantages of the root are all about the features — with superuser access, you can add software features that your phone never had before. These features are as follows:

Get the latest Android version

Android OEMs are infamous for not providing enough updates to devices. If you look at iOS, even 5 year old devices get the latest software update. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the iOS 14 update on my old iPhone SE. When you look at Android – you can forget about updates once your device hits the two year old mark (in most cases). For mid and low-range devices, you’re lucky if you get even one update. Look, I agree, things are changing a little bit for the good on the Android scene but it is still just no enough.

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Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

But things are much better if you have a rooted Android device. Thanks to the amazing developer community, you would be able to manually install the latest version of Android. So, if you have an old device laying around – check if a custom ROM is available for your device and root your Android device.

Get Features not found in Android

Rooting your Android device allows you to add new features not found in any Android version. These features require custom kernels, a modified version of your device’s stock kernel that controls communication between the software and hardware.

Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

Custom kernels such as ElementalX can add features like Sweep2sleep, which lets you swipe along the bottom of your screen to turn off the display. These features can be accessed and unlocked using the bootloader and flashing a custom kernel.

Clear the junk files automatically

A few good junk cleaning apps like SD Maid can help clear your Android device like no other. SD Maid scans your hard drive for leftover data from uninstalled apps, empty folders, unused system files and deletes them for you.

Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

The problem is that without root, SD Maid has restricted access, specifically anything that will modify a system app. With root, SD Maid can scan your entire hard drive and microSD card. It can modify and delete any file, providing you with a better overall experience. And when you combine it with its ability to run automatically, you can ensure your phone will run smoother longer.

Get new emojis

After rooting your Android device, you can have access to a lot of emojis. OEMs such as Apple, Google, and Samsung have their unique emojis sets, which are inaccessible on other devices.

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Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

However, with root and the app EmojiSwitch, you can add any collection of emojis to your phone. You can even add the new emojis coming with Samsung Experience 10.0 before it arrives.

Related: Android 11 Emojis for All Android Devices

Fine-tune your File Manager

While the built-in file manager on most phones is pretty basic, you can download several third-party options for more comprehensive control. These folders only let you organize the non-root folder. When you give them root permission, the options for you to control widens quickly.

Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

You will have more control over your Android device once it is rooted. You can access the APKs of all apps on your phone, including bloatware (which means uninstalling bloatware is as easy as deleting a file). You can edit system files to overcome limitations, such as Netflix limiting access to PiP mode to only certain variants of Huawei Mate 10 Pro. With the help of build. Prop edits; you can rename your Mate 10 Pro’s model number to one of the supported variants and enjoy PiP mode.

Personally, Solid Explorer is a powerful file manager I use and love. Irrespective of the root status of your device, I highly recommend this app.

Powerful automation

With root access, you can use Tasker to automate various actions with the help of a few triggers. It is a powerful app and can help make moving around your device much easier.

The level of automation is the finest with root access as well as third-party apps like Tasker. You can set up your phone to turn on the GPS when you connect to your car’s Bluetooth. While you are driving, all text messages are read out loud using Google Assistant.

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Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

Utilities such as Secure Settings and ReptiTouch can provide even more control when Tasker has root access. ReptiTouch can automate specific actions in games, such as daily logins so that you gain rewards without having acted.

Powerful Terminal Commands

You can add almost 300 commands to any Linux based OS such as Android. Busybox gives you extra root-level commands you can use in any terminal emulator app (I adore Material Terminal). To be clear, BusyBox is not an app rather it’s a set of powerful UNIX commands.

Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

Busybox requires root to install on your device. While you might never actually use it, some apps will require Busybox to function as they need the additional commands.

Get access to more security tools

While Android has gotten better over the years in security, it is far from perfect. Because of the many attacks against the platform, it gained a reputation as being unsafe, which it continues to work on.

Why Root Android? Here Are All The Reasons To Consider.

While you can always wait on Google to improve security or use phones such as the BlackBerry KEY2, you can also improve your security by rooting.

Rooting does open your phone to additional vulnerabilities as you have given yourself access to your device’s root level. However, with this access, you can also better manage your defenses.

Wrapping Up!

Rooting opens up a host of opportunities for your Android device.

Although the process of rooting can hamper the warranty, it does make your phone smarter.

Both the pros and cons of the process should be considered before arriving at a decision to root your Android phone or not.

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