How To Add Shortcut to Google Chrome Homepage

If you are using Google Chrome as your default browser or your everyday go-to browser and hate to type the URL every time you want to open your favourite or most opened websites then we might have a solution for you.

There are some websites which we visit way too often and it becomes irritating to type the URL of the website every time you want to open it.

Fortunately, Google Chrome provides an option to add a shortcut for your frequently visited websites on the Chrome home page so that it is easier to access and open the webpage.

How To Add Shortcut to Google Chrome Homepage

till now, if you have been typing the address of your favourite website on your computer or your mobile phone, then you can change that by adding a shortcut of the website in Chrome.

Add Shortcut to Google Chrome Homepage on Desktop

Google provides two different ways to add shortcuts on the homepage of the Chrome browser. The first one is by adding the shortcuts to the specific websites you want, and the other one is Google Chrome can curate a list based on the number of visits to a particular website. Below we have discussed both options.

  1. Launch Google Chrome on your Windows or macOS device, you can launch it from the dock or taskbar or the desktop if you have a shortcut.
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  2. Now, from Google Chrome’s homepage, click on the Customize Chrome option located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
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  3. Next, you need to head to the ‘Shortcuts’ tab which is located on the left section of the new overlay pane.
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  4. If you want to self-curate your website shortcuts, then you can click on the ‘My Shortcuts’ tab, if you want Chrome to curate the list for you, then you can click on the ‘Most Visited Sites’ option.
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  5. After you have chosen your preferred option, you can click on the Done button which is located at the bottom right corner of the overlay pane.
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  6. In case you have chosen the ‘Most Visited Sites’ option your list will be automatically updated and the shortcuts will be added by Google Chrome.
    Otherwise, if you have chosen the self-curation option to add shortcuts in Google Chrome, then you will be seeing empty shortcuts tile on the homepage of Google Chrome. (At present Google Chrome only supports a maximum of 10 such website shortcuts on the Homepage.
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  7. Now, to add shortcuts manually, you can click on the ‘Add Shortcut’ tile present on the homepage of Google Chrome.
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  8. Next, you need to give an appropriate name for the shortcut that you wish to create and then you can type the URL or simply paste the URL in the space by copying it from another tab’s address bar.
  9. That’s it now click on the Done button located at the bottom right corner of the pane so that you will be able to add the websites to your Google Chrome homepage shortcut.
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Edit Shortcuts on Google Chrome Homepage on Desktop

Google Chrome only allows a total of 6 shortcuts that can be added to the homepage. Often there can be situations when you don’t need an older created shortcut anymore, and you wish to replace it with a shortcut for a different website.

  1. To edit your shortcuts, you need to click on the kebab menu of the Google Chrome browser from the existing shortcut tile.
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  2. Now, you need to click on the ‘Edit Shortcut’ option from the overlay menu.
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  3. After that, you can change the name for the shortcut and then enter the new URL of the website with which you want to replace the shortcut.
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  4. After the details have been entered, now you can click on the ‘Done’ button from the bottom right corner of the overlay window pane.
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  5. Once you have clicked on the ‘Done’ button, you will be able to see and use the now-changed shortcut on the homepage of the Google Chrome browser.
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Adding Shortcuts to Chrome Homepage on mobile

You can also add shortcuts to the Google Chrome browser on your mobile device. However, the shortcuts on the mobile device are a bit different than desktop versions of Chrome. On the desktop version of Chrome, you have an option to curate your shortcuts according to your taste, but this option is missing in the mobile version of chrome.

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So, the only way to have the shortcuts on your mobile device inside the chrome browser is by letting the Chrome browser curate the shortcuts based on the frequency of the visits to the websites.

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Also, besides no manual control to add shortcuts the mobile version of Google Chrome can only have up to 8 shortcuts instead of 10 on the desktop version of the chrome browser.

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On the other hand, Google has added a folder on the homepage of the Chrome browser that says ‘Top Sites’ that has the majority of the famous websites that people mostly visit on their mobile devices. The folder has websites from the categories like ‘Social’, ‘Entertainment’, ‘Games’, ‘Sports’, ‘News’, ‘Shopping’, ‘Banking’, ‘Travel’, ‘Education’, it includes even ‘Jobs’.

The ‘Top Sites’ folder is just an alternative to the manual control, and it doesn’t completely fulfil the purpose of having a manual control but it is still a pretty decent add-on to the shortcuts page, also something is better than nothing.

Remove Shortcuts from Chrome Homepage on Mobile

Well, Chrom surely hasn’t given an option to add shortcuts on your mobile devices, but it definitely gives an option to manually remove any of the shortcuts that the browser has created based on your usage.

To remove the shortcuts from the chrome browser on your mobile device, you can follow the tutorial below.

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your mobile device.
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  2. Now, long press on any of the shortcuts that you want to remove. Then, tap on the remove option that is present in the drop-down menu.
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  3. After you have removed the shortcut, another website shortcut will be added automatically depending on the number of visits to a particular website.
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